Posts Tagged “tribal wars”

It’s been a couple of months since I’ve done any real development on Tribal Intel, which is part of a Tribal Wars python library I started making a while back. I recently checked the stats and realized that there were over 350 downloads, which is about 100 times more than what I expected. I figured that some of those people who downloaded my library are using it, so why not continue on with it?

I have a couple of features that I (and others) want to add, but my first goal is to create a real application that will be easier to use for everyone. Right now, Tribal Intel is a text-based python script with a great menu. You know, that kind that we all use to make when first learning how to program (“Pick a number from the menu…”).

My plan is to create a GUI that will not only ease the use of Tribal Intel, but also allow for new features to more easily be added (you can only do so much with a text menu…). I’ll be using PyQt4 for this. It’ll be my first real PyQt app, so it should be a lot of fun and provide me with many learning opportunities.

I’m still mulling over possible layouts and designs, so I don’t have much to show yet. I have come up with a splash screen which I think is ok. It’s not exactly what I wanted, but I’m more a programmer than graphic designer.

More to come. Stay tuned….

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