It’s been a couple of months since I’ve done any real development on Tribal Intel, which is part of a Tribal Wars python library I started making a while back. I recently checked the stats and realized that there were over 350 downloads, which is about 100 times more than what I expected. I figured that some of those people who downloaded my library are using it, so why not continue on with it?
I have a couple of features that I (and others) want to add, but my first goal is to create a real application that will be easier to use for everyone. Right now, Tribal Intel is a text-based python script with a great menu. You know, that kind that we all use to make when first learning how to program (“Pick a number from the menu…”).
My plan is to create a GUI that will not only ease the use of Tribal Intel, but also allow for new features to more easily be added (you can only do so much with a text menu…). I’ll be using PyQt4 for this. It’ll be my first real PyQt app, so it should be a lot of fun and provide me with many learning opportunities.
I’m still mulling over possible layouts and designs, so I don’t have much to show yet. I have come up with a splash screen which I think is ok. It’s not exactly what I wanted, but I’m more a programmer than graphic designer.
More to come. Stay tuned….
I used several times when planning sections for my tribe and it was really really helpful. I can’t wait to have an even more friendly GUI for quicker use. I think the more “illiterate” crowd would enjoy a GUI as well.
same here. Keep up the good work! Handy little tools are what gives people the edge in the strategy and planning department!
Just found this & its great the only problem I found was with non tribe players.
Any further plans would help all.
Many thanks for your effort
Heh, I wasn’t sure if anyone out there was still using this. Glad to hear some are.
I’ve considered going back and spending some time on this project again. I’ll have to sit down and look at the code again to see where it currently is and then decide whether or not it’s worth my time. I’ll let you know what I decide.